Find Your Awesome with Figs O’Sullivan


“Stop bitching; start connecting.”

- Figs O’Sullivan 

Fiachra “Figs” O’Sullivan, is the Founder and Chief Empathy Officer at Empathi, which provides step-by-step guidance for couples and individuals who care about their relationships. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who is certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples and individuals, and a passionate entrepreneur, driven to change lives for the better. He strives to interact with clients as a fellow traveler on life’s journey, allowing them to easily dive deeper into their “stuff” with his down-to-earth philosophy. Constantly working on his skills and psychotherapeutic approach, Figs is passionate about helping couples love each other and feel more connected. Figs designed Empathi to be available for everyone, no matter their socio-economic status, orientation or station in life.

“Behind every awful behavior you can see is a human being that is hurting.”

- Figs O’Sullivan

This episode is a great deep dive into empathy wrapped in the comfort of an Irish brogue. From how it is to feel empathy as a physical pain and also empathy on a conceptual level, we cover it all. We all need connection and empathy is the key to generating those connections with other people. Grab a seat and listen in to this week’s podcast and hopefully you’ll learn a few new things!

“Because connection is so important, when it’s absent, it hurts.”

- Figs O’Sullivan 

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