let's do breakfast

What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Because I can tell you, without a doubt – mine is BREAKFAST.

I’ve always been excited about breakfast! My whole life! And when I get out of bed in the morning, I literally do a shoulder shimmy, because I cannot WAIT to start eating!

👉 When I lived in Italy, it was creamy frutti di bosco yogurt.

👉 When we were travelling in the camper, it was warm nut-based cereal with almond butter (and as many wild blueberries as I could fit in the bowl)!

👉 And these days, it’s overnight oats with tons of fresh fruit.


I’ll eat THE SAME THING every day, for months on end!  – and that totally makes sense, because according to my Human Design chart, my digestion type is OPEN TASTE, and us “open taste” folks looooove repetition. 

And guess what – when you eat in alignment with your Human Design, you tend to have a CLEARER MIND and EASIER DIGESTION. 

Meaning….you simply FEEL BETTER!

How does it work? In Human Design, there are 12 digestion types, each relating to 1 of 6 major themes. 

Each theme will tell you a little bit about how YOU are uniquely designed to digest food – and when you start to embrace HOW and WHEN your body wants to eat, life gets so sparkly, and joyful, and easy!

🤔 Wondering what YOUR digestion type is? Want to learn more about what YOUR cosmic user manual has to say about: your body, your food choices, and your health?

Join me on Wednesday, November 15th, 4-5 pm EST, for a LIVE Masterclass, all about how to eat mindfully, enjoy your holiday feasting, and optimize your nutrition according to your Human Design! 


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human design for ultimate health 🍏