The Enneagram Episode with Ashlie Woods


“Every type has a passion and a fixation associated with it. The passion is the type’s emotional habit of the heart. The fixation is the mental habit of the mind.”
- Ashlie Woods  

A Certified Integral Life Coach and Mindfulness Teacher, Ashlie facilitates transformational experiences that liberate and empower people to live their most creative, fulfilling and self-expressed lives. She believes you are infinitely powerful and inherently creative, and her work is all about helping you know that truth so you can embody it in every area of your life. Her journey to freedom began over a decade ago when she attended a weekend workshop and discovered that she wasn't broken. In the decade since, she’s come to know the wholeness of who she is, to trust her intuition for guidance and to believe that she is worthy of what she most desires. 

“There is this fullness of who you are, and your personality is the primary way that you lose yourself or forget the truth of who you are.’”- Ashlie Woods 

This episode is a deep dive into the Enneagram types. Ashlie walks us through the various types and subtypes as a way to help understand the motivations and behaviors we demonstrate and the motivations and behaviors of others. And there is a lot to unpack here. Often mistakenly viewed as a way to label people and put them in the box, the Enneagram, when used properly, is a powerful tool to help us be our full selves. Just a head’s up: You may need to listen to this episode a few times to absorb it all!

“What the Enneagram is pointing to is the whole spectrum of humanity. So we certainly have aspects of all the different types in us. It’s just that there is one core driver that can be identified there.”
- Ashlie Woods

“It is all motivation-based, and you don’t know just by looking at someone’s actions what moved them to that action.”
- Ashlie Woods

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