Bigger, Better, Braver with Nancy Pickard


“Being brave is like a muscle that you have to practice over and over again.”
- Nancy Pickard

Bravery is a practice. Overcoming your fear is more about getting comfortable with discomfort than it is about conquering that fear. Nancy Pickard had a comfortable life when a divorce left her crushed and feeling unworthy. But her path to picking herself up helped her gain perspective on being Bigger, Better, Braver—which is the title of her book. A certified coach, she works with clients looking to develop a full, rewarding life. She helps clients learn to practice being brave and get used to doing scary things. She also helps clients develop boundaries.

“The juice is in the journey. To really help your children, tell them how excited you are that they are brave, not how excited you are that they did X, Y and Z.”
- Nancy Pickard

“When you live on autopilot, you miss a lot. You miss emotionally what you should be concentrating on… physically, emotionally, everything.”
- Nancy Pickard

“Boundaries start with yourself.”
- Nancy Pickard

“The biggest part about setting boundaries is honoring and respecting your right to have needs met.”
- Nancy Pickard

Find Nancy online at: 

To get a free discovery call and a look at the first chapter of her book, head to: 

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Bonus Episode: The Courage to Quit


Bonus Meditation: Focus Training