Doing Things YOUR Way with Kourtney Thomas


“I’m kind of like the anti-fitness fitness professional.”
- Kourtney Thomas

We start this week’s episode talking about Dolly Parton. Dolly is an icon of getting things done her way—and Kourtney Thomas is on a mission to help women find their own inner Dolly Parton. Through guided self-discovery work and coaching, she helps women see themselves so they can trust themselves in every choice they make for their bodies, lives, and businesses. The only “right” way to do something is the way that works for YOU. Her background in fitness and life coaching helps Kourtney helps women cut through the fluff to the conversations that matter. We cover a lot of ground in this episode, including the importance of recognizing that you always have a choice!

“How you feel about your body does not exist in a vacuum. It affects absolutely everything.”
- Kourtney Thomas

“You get to choose. […] You always get a choice.”
- Kourtney Thomas

Find Kourtney online at: 

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Bonus Meditation: Focus Training


Human Design Bonus: Open Root vs. Defined Root