Loving Ourselves No Matter What with Georgina Durcan


“So many people on a spiritual journey or personal development – and I know myself included I have to really catch myself – we’ve become very addicted to analyzing every emotion.”
- Georgina Durcan 

Georgina is an intuitive therapist, affectionately known as the “Soul Whisperer.” She helps people all around the globe discover who they truly are, helps them access the power within, and helps them free themselves of the barriers and blocks they are carrying. All with the goal of creating a life they truly love. 

“What can I do to support myself – not what can someone else do to support me.”
- Georgina Durcan 

This is the second episode with Georgina Durcan. We get right to the point, talking about the struggle to trust ourselves and be kind to ourselves enough to stop seeking answers from outside sources. An open heart is the key to having faith and embracing the reality. There are a lot of gems in this week’s episode. Enjoy!! 

“Suffering is resisting the reality of what is… fighting the reality of what is. ‘Open hearted’ is kindness, and embracing the reality of what is.”
- Georgina Durcan  

“The ego only ever really rates something as a big deal whem it has put a whole lot of effort into it and struggled with it.”
- Georgina Durcan 

Find Georgina on her website:

She’s also on Instagram at:

Listen to the first time Georgina was on The Find Your Awesome Podcast at: https://www.kelseyabbott.com/podcasts/find-your-awesome-with-georgina-durcan 

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